Provision of working capital financing
The Group intends to extend short-term loans to companies for working capital requirements and these may either be in the form of revolving credit line or with fixed instalment payment terms. These loans will be secured by either floating or fixed charge over certain assets of the borrower. Personal guarantees from major shareholders of the borrower may also be required.
Provision of asset-backed loans
The Group intends to provide financing to businesses secured against stocks, shares or fixed assets of the borrower. It will be in the form of bridging loan, overdraft and term loan with maturities typically ranging between six (6) to twelve (12) months. Personal guarantees from major shareholders of the borrower may also be required.
Provision of mezzanine loans
The Group provides both expansion and acquisition financing in the form of mezzanine loans. A hybrid of debt and equity financing, it provides the Group the rights to convert or acquire minority equity stake in the borrower in addition to interest income. These loans will usually be secured by the shares of the borrower and/or personal guarantees from the major shareholders of the borrower.
Investments in companies with good fundamentals and growth potential
While the Group intends to focus on providing financing services, where opportunities arise, the Group may also make investments in companies which have good fundamentals and growth potential. In order to minimise risk to the Group, the investments will be made in the form of convertible loans or preferred shares. It is envisaged that for such investments, the Group expects a clear value growth plan of the investee as well as eventual exit strategy. The Group intends to conduct the Financing Business in the HKSAR, primarily targeting companies with businesses in the PRC and the HKSAR.